: Shenzhen Mingshunxin Electronics Co., Ltd!
What is the common memory on electronic devices?
2022-10-12 10:27:16

memorizer is an electronic device that uses semiconductors, memorizer media and other technologies to store data. Memory unit is actually a kind of sequential logic integrated circuit. They can be divided into read-only memory (ROM) and random access memory (RAM) according to the type of memory used. They have different functions and therefore different descriptions.


The main function of memorizer is to store programs and all kinds of data, and to complete the access of programs or data at high speed and automatically during the operation of the computer. With memory, the computer has memory function to ensure normal operation. The memory in a computer can be divided into main memory and auxiliary memory by purpose, as well as external memory and internal memory.


The storage media that make up the memory mainly use semiconductor devices and magnetic materials. The smallest unit of storage in a memory is a bistable semiconductor circuit or a CMOS transistor or magnetic material that stores a binary code. A storage unit consists of several storage units, and then a storage unit consists of many storage units. A memory contains many storage units, each of which can store one byte.


The location of each storage unit has a number, the address, which is usually represented in hexadecimal. The sum of all the storage units in a memory that store data is called its storage capacity. Assuming that the address code of a memory consists of 20-bit binary digits (that is, 5-bit hexadecimal digits), it can represent 220, or 1 M storage unit address. Each storage unit stores one byte, and the storage capacity of the storage unit is 1KB.

What is the memory in the computer?
How does memory work?

